🎓 About Danielle:
32 years old from the United Kingdom. No previous experience in trading or forex and had a previous background as a Mortgage Broker.
👉 What brought your attention to Forex trading?
I wanted to learn a skillset that did not swap time for money, but instead allowed me to generate passive income to better use my time to build other assets not liabilities.
👉 What was your ‘a-ha’ moment when you realized the importance of psychology in trading?
When I first passed my third party funding I did not feel at the time like I deserved it and that I might loose it. I realised at this moment I had a self image problem that needed to be fixed if I was going to keep the funding and trade sustainably for the long term.
👉 What were your first impressions of Rewired upon enrolling?
Easy to listen to as well as being able to listen anywhere. Practical exercises and techniques I could implement straight away, and the familiar voice and content style of Mark gave me a feeling of trust and consistency in the way I was learning both falcon and rewired educational content. I also liked that it was all branded blue which is a colour that triggers calmness and reduced anxiety.
👉 How has Rewired impacted your trading performance?
Rewired has given me the ability to be able to bridge the gap between who I am now and who I have always seen myself as deep inside.
Rewired helped me figure out what parts of my programming are no longer benefiting me and how to rewire this old programming into new thought patterns and behaviours that benefit and compliment the mindset needed for trading, by figuring out how I truly feel about myself and my life and why I feel this way.
Doing this has helped me regulate my emotions in the market and remain more composed in the live environment to be able to make better decisions on a consistent basis that as a side effect has given me consistent profitable outcomes.
👉 Would you recommend Rewired to other traders? And if yes, why?
Yes! Rewired is the most cost effective and time saving way to develop the mindset needed to tackle the forex market and gain consistency without reading millions of books and filtering through hours of irrelevant information.
👉 Based on what you know now after enrolling in Rewired, would you agree that psychology is important even in the early stages?
Yes. It’s one thing to know the technical aspect of trading, but to be able to deploy it in the live environment is 90% psychological .
Without trading psychology education like this you will only be profitable in a simulated environment if you are just working on your technical ability.
👉 What does the future look for you now that you have both your strategy and psychology on lockdown?
Very bright! I am able to stay confident and consistent in how I think, feel, and act as this is based on a process and also the right mindset to not allow complacency to kick in and to not attach loosing to what I am capable of or my self image.
👉 Any other comments:
Great value, additional modules included as part of the original purchase, continuous improvements to the program based on funded students experiences.